Our Purpose
CLP aims to deepen the capacity of community leaders to work inclusively, imagine a different future, and act compassionately to bring that vision into being.
We believe that the vitality of a community and the development of its leaders are closely linked. And we have seen that as leaders build self-awareness, they begin to realize the connections between their personal stories, their actions, and the creation of a robust community.
By creating an inclusive space for Greater New Haven’s community leaders to explore their leadership practice, we support them in:
- Manifesting the values that are most important to them,
- Better linking their work to the resources in their community, and
- Working effectively and joyfully with others to create the community they desire.
In CLP, we seek to ensure an environment where participants can listen, reflect, learn, contribute and create—individually and collaboratively.
With 30 cohorts having completed the program, our alumni network is now more than 550 strong, representing a diverse cross-section of Greater New Haven.