photo by Karen King

One of the exercises in CLP is about identifying and clarifying our own personal values. We each identify our top 5 values, writing one each on 5 index cards. Then we have to drop one… and another… until we are forced to choose our number 1, top value. What is your current One right now and why?

Personal Wellness… Protecting my spirit, heart and soul. For years I spent a great deal of my life giving until I was exhausted. You cannot give what you do not have. I have learned to VALUE my well being. To take myself out of the mix on a regular basis. No is a complete sentence.

What is one big, burning leadership question you are wrestling with these days?

At this point in my professional life, I am not wrestling with anything. I am at peace with my abilities to do what I can where I am called. I don’t feel the need or the will to take on every issue under the sun. I am about allowing folks to be who they are in doing the work they do.

What inspires you, gives you hope these days?

I am inspired by all the young people making their mark in the world… From Black Lives Matter to artists raising their voices and their talents for social justice. I am quite impressed with Sanctuary Kitchen in New Haven… refugees sharing their culinary customs with other refugees and New Haveners.

This work of transformational change is hard. Stepping in, stepping up, over time, can be draining – physically, intellectually, emotionally, psychically, spiritually. How do you recharge, restore, take care of yourself, rekindle your fire?

I spend time with good friends. We laugh, we go to the movies, we take in art exhibits, concerts, we dine all over the place. I read… I belong to an online book club that reads social justice books. I craft and create things with my hands. I write love letters to strangers as part of The World Needs More Love Letters (

Introduce us to someone you are/were close with personally (e.g., family, teacher, friend, mentor), who shaped (or shapes) you and how you view leadership and possibility for a better community/world?

The Mercy Center in Madison, and all the people that make that place flow. I spent a great deal of time there… 4 years, learning how to be a Spiritual Director. That was quite transforming. Reconnecting myself to the presence of God in my everyday practical life. Learning to accompany anyone on their faith walk. But first learning and discerning what God meant to me… Noticing where God showed up in my life. Plus they have a whole host of programs offered to tune into yourself, to be still and quiet, be in nature.

What do you recommend to us, in each of these six categories:
  • Reading – Brene Brown, Daring Greatly
  • Listening – Lizz Wright cd, Fellowship
  • Eating – Loving The Whole 30 Program (you have to cook real food)
  • Watching – Queen Sugar on OWN. Rich story telling. Beautiful multi hued Black people… Well lit…. Lighting is flattering and natural.
  • (also) Watching – Soul Pancake on OWN. Uplifting content designed to get you to enjoy more of life.
  • Laughing – Gather a Squad (joyous friends who move with you… fluid folks)
  • Wildcard – Live Romantically! Keep fresh cut flowers around. Wear a scent that lifts your spirits. Eat well. Wear clothes that feel good on. Be whimsical. Get the best bed linens you can afford.

Learn more about Babz Rawls Ivy

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