Moving Forward with Pride and Hope, by Christopher Cole (Cohort 12)
“I want to live in a society where we have different opinions. But we need to respect and listen to each other.”
“I want to live in a society where we have different opinions. But we need to respect and listen to each other.”
“She certainly could not have dreamed of her great-granddaughter being who she is today. I also know that she was revolutionary for her time. I’m so inspired by that.”
“He always said, if you own things, you’re not in a subservient position. People don’t have to like you, but they have to respect you..."
"listen to my poems. but do not look for me. look for you. -- you"
"The thread of being an artist runs deep, and I appreciate the re-introduction to my second grade artist self — who’s been there all along."
“…I am grieving, because a big part of you is gone. How can I miss someone who is still here? How is it possible to mourn the living?”
"We should be able to agree to disagree and learn how to respect and love each other even when we don’t see eye to eye."
"...if you spend some time with things, and you bring that optimism and hope and some creativity, it’s likely that you can come up with something that makes people’s lives better."
"The safety net here creates a level of calmness."
"The repetition in form here conveys exhaustion and a rhythmic reframe too: Let’s dream something else."