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Reflections from throughout the year on who — and what — keeps us going:
“I ultimately think that part of the whole change, and the empowerment, and the strength, and the courage, all comes from being aligned. When you take the selfish ‘I’ out of it.” –Anderson Curtis (Cohort 24), A Conversation about Building Connection
“We can – and must – recognize our own and others’ trauma in order to address it. Trauma-informed practices work, tailored to specific developmental ages and stages, individuals and families. Whether Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up, Trauma Assessment Pathway or many more…” –Marian A. Evans (Cohort 19), Wisdom of BIPOC Women Scholars
“My children give me a lot of hope… Definitely the George Floyd protests and how much change happened in such a short time. I’m so in awe. I don’t think I would have done that at that age… Children in general, young people give me a lot of hope.” –Anna Blanding (Cohort 4) Interview
“I think we’re wired to encourage, to love, to support one another… There’s a tremendous amount of joy in compassion. Truly caring enough that I actually do something about it.” –Steve Mikolike (Cohort 28), Faith, Calling & Recovery
“What matters is how the actual poetry practice works for you—as a kind of meditation, as a way of making sense of the world, as a kind of sounding board to measure what’s going on in your own mind and heart…” –T. Cole Rachel, in Perfect Poetry (Including Yours)
“…even though I’m trying to learn the chemistry side, I’m still choosing to believe that spirit, magic, and chemistry can be different ways of describing the same thing.” –Aly Fox (Cohort 13), The Alchemy and Art of Natural Dyes
“I think when you create a circle where everyone begins to experience that they’re a space-holder, it allows us to come together. The value is that you’re seen, you’re heard. And I think we’re starving as a culture for presence. We all know those who are present for us; when they’re truly present, there’s a wow. And we want more of that.” –Steve Mikolike (Cohort 28), Building Trust, Team & Community
“The safety net here creates a level of calmness.” –Lauri Robbins Ericson (Cohort 12), From Capitalist Trauma to Nordic Calm
“I guess I have faith, perhaps skeptical faith, it’s not blind for sure. In institutions, in people, in the goodness of people, in how we can figure things out together. Society has tons of problems, but lots of great things happen. Lots of positive interactions, lots of wonderful stuff that if you’re not paying attention, can pass you by.” –J.R. Logan (Cohort United Way) Interview
“…Their unconditional love, their innocence and their eagerness to learn. I want to be able to make a difference in their lives, and help them grow to be loving, caring and successful human beings.” –Eli López Acevedo (Cohort 22) Interview
“I am grateful when fragments of you return. For every spiritual and hymn you sing, I am reminded that the Spirit of God is ever present…” –Omena McCoy (Cohort 25), Grief & Gratitude: A Love Letter
“and i heard her say, ‘you are afraid of love. but love is not afraid of you.’” –nayyirah waheed, poems from salt. & NEJMA
“I think about them a lot, and all the ancestors in my family, and Black ancestors in general… How amazing to persevere and build great things for people that may not even be born yet. ‘Great men plant trees in whose shade they will not sit.’ I always felt like – ok, if these ancestors can do this, what more can I do?” –Anna Blanding (Cohort 4), Black Investment, Ownership and Wealth (Part 1)
“She certainly could not have dreamed of her great-granddaughter being who she is today. I also know that she was revolutionary for her time. I’m so inspired by that.” –Duanecia Clark (Cohort 21) Interview
“…we won’t be silenced! We won’t pull the blinds, and take everything down, and hide. We will stand up to bullies and hate, our pride will show stronger and we will spread love over hate!” –Christopher Cole (Cohort 12), Moving Forward with Pride and Hope
“…this will not stop my flow or my willingness to serve. If anything, I feel emboldened, and now, more than ever, even more determined, to continue making a difference in my community.” –Jeffrey Moreno (Cohort 28), Proud Hispanic Heritage & Service
“I was recently looking up something just to quell myself — what does Islam say about being doubtful. And it was so beautiful – the result was that doubt is something that’s sacred, because doubt is a precursor of thirst, a thirst for knowledge, a thirst to know and to learn more.” –Yexandra (Yex) Diaz (Cohort 32) Interview
“…to be able to be my best self and continue what I’m doing at the same time, then I have to prioritize caring for myself too.” –Miriam Sutton (Cohort 29), Turning to Creativity for Peace
Curated by The Circle’s creative director & editor, Lara Herscovitch. To reach Lara directly: or