photo by Tourism Council of Bhutan
“We do not believe in Gross National Product. Gross National Happiness is more important.” –Jigme Singye Wangchuck, His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan
The constitution of Bhutan prioritizes Gross National Happiness (GNH), a concept first imagined in 1979 by the Fourth King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck. While highly visionary, the work is also very tangible and specific. As the government institute Centre for Bhutan Studies & Gross National Happiness explains, “the GNH Survey and Index are used to clarify areas in which the conditions for happiness exist and those where public action is required to establish the conditions of happiness.” The country’s high-level GNH Commission – the Prime Minister is Chair and the Finance Minister is Vice Chair – focuses on promoting this “enabling environment for all Bhutanese to be happy.” Its areas of focus are a “Dynamic economy as the foundation for a vibrant democracy; Living in harmony with tradition and nature; Effective and good governance; and Investing in our people, the nation’s greatest asset.”
Learn more from the Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH and Gross National Happiness Commission
Curated by The Circle’s Creative Director & Editor, Lara Herscovitch (Cohort 10). To reach Lara directly: or