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One of the exercises in CLP is about identifying and clarifying our own personal values. We each identify our top 5 values, writing one each on 5 index cards. Then we have to drop one… and another… until we are forced to choose our number 1, top value. What is your current One right now and why?
My siblings and I are tighter than black eyes on peas and we all live in different states, but we are very close. My mother died of cancer and did not leave us with anything of monetary value, but what she did leave us was priceless—she left us with the unbreakable bond of family and to always be there for each other!
What is one big, burning leadership question you are wrestling with these days?
The big question about leadership that I wrestle with is legacy…in other words, I do not see today’s leaders doing any cross-training to prep the next person into their position.
What inspires you, gives you hope these days?
When I see or hear young people doing amazing things either creatively or civically, or when I see the humanity in people rise above the hatred in this world.
This work of transformational change is hard. Stepping in, stepping up, over time, can be draining – physically, intellectually, emotionally, psychically, spiritually. How do you recharge, restore, take care of yourself, rekindle your fire?
There are those moments that I don’t turn on the computer, I don’t answer my phone, I abandon social media and do nothing. Sometimes, we must learn that doing “nothing” is actually doing “something.” Problem is too many of us don’t know how to do “nothing;” by actually doing it, we are doing something… it’s called self-care.
Introduce us to someone you are/were close with personally (e.g., family, teacher, friend, mentor), who shaped (or shapes) you and how you view leadership and possibility for a better community/world?
Unfortunately, I cannot introduce you to some “one” as it has been an array of people who have impacted me (not necessarily in this order): Bishop Theodore Brooks, Sam Flood Jr., Dennis Gerald, Esq., Reverend Bonita Grubbs, Erik Clemons. These individuals all possess true passion for people and believe in improving their situation or their lives. I have watched them authentically give tirelessly to the greater good when there were no cameras or media around; they just believed and wanted better for the people and the community at large.
What do you recommend to us, in each of these six categories:
- Reading – More
- Listening – Carefully
- Eating – Healthy
- Watching – Keenly
- Laughing – Often & with friends
- Wildcard – your choice – Love–Hard
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