photo courtesy Pexels

“I am inspired by all the young people making their mark in the world… From Black Lives Matter to artists raising their voices and their talents for social justice… Sanctuary Kitchen in New Haven… refugees sharing their culinary customs with other refugees and New Haveners.” –Babz Rawls Ivy (Cohort 1) Interview

“…When I see young people remain focused throughout their high school and college years, it gives me hope for the future.” –Elvin Melendez (Cohort 21) Interview

“I have never seen so many people willing to do something – even if it’s just making a couple of calls or sending an email. Trump has inspired true civic participation…” –Colleen Shaddox (Cohort 1) Interview

“I love being with open minded, god loving people who realize they have glass houses too. Dr. Hines seems to understand the barriers confronting black men at every age and stage of life in America. While America can be a beautiful place to live, it can also be harsh; and, so can UCONN…” –Amos Smith (Cohort 6) post in The Current

“…Against this backdrop, I was deeply moved to learn about a new initiative called the Witness Stones Project, a local effort to shine a light on the occurrence of slavery right here in our quaint New England town. We (Americans and especially Northerners) correlate slavery with the South, but of course slavery was up North as well – including right here in woodsy Guilford…” –Liza Janssen Petra (Cohort 8) post in The Current

“When I breathe in I immediately notice this earth and the endless offerings we are surrounded by. Then, I see a tree. Trees speak to me of staying power and of the commitment to reach up and down at the same moment… young revolutionaries demanding gun control and people stepping out to expose acts of sexual assault and a Black Lives Matters movement that puts self-care and self-love central at their gatherings and seeing the same right here…” –Niyonu Spann (Cohort 15) Interview

“When I see or hear young people doing amazing things either creatively or civically, or when I see the humanity in people rise above the hatred in this world.” –Steve Driffin (Cohort 12) Interview

“My connection to other people to help get me out of my ruts. My connection to Nature to help me to see and feel systems that are nurturing and nourishing. My connection to my ancestors for support, perspective and love. My connection to the Orisa for being divine and a part of life that is so much larger than me yet are forces that can also help me to stay connected to purpose and meaning, healing and mystery…” –Enroue Awo Onigbonna Halfkenny (Cohort 10) Interview

“…young people around the country who are starting to wake up and realize the power of the vote. And who are starting to realize their own power in general, to hold the courage of their convictions and take action on issues like immigration, gun control and sexual harassment. Activists of all ages who are working every day to reclaim democracy and addressing a host of other burning issues in this country: criminal justice reform, immigration, institutionalized racism, violence prevention, sexism, misogyny…” –Janis Astor del Valle (Cohort 10) Interview

“Collaboration… Our group of writers and performers are working to tell stories to build understanding, empathy, and compassion for what it means to be a refugee in America… stories of hope, exile, love, fear, magic, and humanity…” –Elizabeth Nearing (Cohort 20) Interview

“…when I slow enough to see things in their fullness… My energy is lifted, my demeanor changes. I feel more positive. Buoyant. Grateful. I am most hopeful when I am settled enough to look at something, especially in nature, in full. Eyes 100% engaged, engrossed in every aspect. I dare to dream about the impact beauty can have on changing our perception…” –Brandon Hutchinson (Cohort 17) Interview

“…Both the person and the book offer encouragement and inspiration, a welcome alternative to the despairing, turbulent and unsettling times in which we currently live. Through them and the spiritual lift they offer, it is possible, as a clergy colleague said, for me to see hope in deed and, up close, on a regular basis. Those, and so many other experiences, keep me going.” –Rev. Bonita Grubbs (Cohort 2) Interview

“…I always remind myself of the sacrifices she made to put me in a decent position and that motivates me to work hard and assist in empowering people. She gave her all to make sure my brothers and I could be all that we could possibly be. My brothers and I are all college graduates now and building in our selected fields. My mother is my greatest inspiration.” –Landon Osborn (Cohort 20) Interview

“It would be tragic if people’s impression of religion was reduced to the posturing of self-serving public figures. Some of my most joyous times have been spent in a church basement soup kitchen or working with my brothers and sisters in Christ to end the death penalty. Faith motivates many people to make the world better. But they are far too busy to hold news conferences to issue hollow prayers.” –Colleen Shaddox (Cohort 1) post in The Current

“…these separations are not inevitable; Congress can change the immigration law, just as it did in 1996. In order for this to happen, American citizens must channel the outrage expressed over separations at the border into political support for immigration reform that protects all U.S. citizen children from the trauma of losing a parent to deportation. –Bridges post by Alexandra Dufresne

“Through many talks with devoted and diverse people there — people who chose to invite me into their dorms and conversations rather than ostracize me — I began to realize the damage I had done. Ever since, I have been trying to make up for it…” –Derek Black, Bridges post

“I will experience my 69th revolution around the sun on July 10th. What more inspiration do I need. All is well.” –Thomas Robert Ficklin, Jr. (Cohort 13) Interview

“…You help me remember that I’m not in it alone. I can focus on one part, and stand in awe and respect for you focused on yours. We get to share the learning and wisdom at the intersections and the core…” –Lara Herscovitch (Cohort 10) post in The Current

Curated by The Circle’s Creative Director & Editor, Lara Herscovitch (Cohort 10). To reach Lara directly: or
