photo courtesy Pexels

“Behind every Hijab, there is a story.” –Hoda, model in Abiha Syed’s exhibit (UN)CoveredCreative post on Syed’s photography collection, designed to promote dialogue, illuminate and enlighten biased reactions to Muslim and Sikh women who wear a hijab, turban, or other head covering.

Bridges post on Layli Long Soldier’s Whereas, National Book Critics Circle Award and National Book Award finalist, written in response to the U.S. government’s half-hearted and misleading Joint Resolution to “acknowledge a long history of official depredations and ill-conceived policies by the Federal Government regarding Indian tribes and offer an apology to all Native Peoples on behalf of the United States.”

“…During the next week, this image emerged in my spirit… In TheLab, children and adults encounter the presence of God by activating their creative DNA to find their unique voice, share it, and leave their mark.” –Genese Clark (Cohort 13) Creative post & painting

“…When the exhibit came down it took me by surprise… made me think of the 6,000 Disappeared… plus other countries where dissidents or ‘unwanted’ citizens were mercilessly eliminated. And of course, that’s what Trump and ICE are doing…” –Laura Altshul (Cohort 6) Creative post & poem on WE ARE: A Nation of Immigrants

“…Run along dumb beasts / Lest we become attuned to your patters / Begin to know your speech / To love you too much / And wish your home / Were not in the way of our commerce.” –Joanne W. Bixby (November 16, 1931 – April 1, 2018) poetry in Creative post by Nate Bixby (Cohort 17)

Creative post on IN-Q’s Movie Stars at TED Institute: “…always THE never mine; if it’s not me never mind…”

“The public art installation reflects the importance our city places on welcoming all and our recognition that diversity and inclusion are what gives us strength and makes us a great city and a great nation…” –Abby Roth (Cohort 10) Creative post on WE ARE: A Nation of Immigrants

Creative post on Alike, animated short by Daniel Martinez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez, illustrating the power of creativity, play, connection, and following your heart.

“…Will we be the ones who allow the country once more to become a bastion of bigotry, chauvinism, and greed? Or will we push for inclusion, equity, and progress?” –Lewis J. Beilman III (Cohort 16) Creative post on writing fiction and short stories

Creative post on Andy Goldsworthy’s sculpture using only natural materials: “Trees, stone, people – these are the ingredients of the place and the work.”

“…Each is embedded with the voices and stories of real people – from Afghanistan, Congo, Syria, Iraq and Sudan – who have escaped those same rooms and buildings to build a new life in America…” –Laura Altshul (Cohort 6) Creative post & poem on UNPACKED: Refugee Baggage by Mohamad Hafez and Ahmed Badr

“You are beautiful,” “What you do matters,” “Love Love Love Love,” “Share with us who you are,” “Trust yourself” and more public art that believes in us, Creative post featuring installations by Matthew Hoffman

Bridges post featuring Katy Davis’ animation of Brene Brown on empathy versus sympathy: “Empathy is a choice, and it’s a vulnerable choice, because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling…”

“The ancient Three Wise Monkeys parable… see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil… Some think the monkeys are stopping evil because they’re not engaging it; others think the monkeys are perpetuating evil because they’re ignoring it… a new fourth wise monkey implores them (and me, and you) to take a stand, make a choice, pick a side, and do something…” –Lara Herscovitch (Cohort 10) post & music video in The Current

Curated by The Circle’s Creative Director & Editor, Lara Herscovitch (Cohort 10). To reach Lara directly: or
