photo by Anton Atanasov courtesy Pexels
The work of transformational change is hard. Reflections on the many ways we recharged, restored, rekindled our fire throughout the year:
“I appreciate that phenomenon of now being in the middle of generations; are there ways you feed that part of your soul looking up to your grandmother, looking for connection to people older than you?” –Gamaliel Moses (Cohort 16), Re-Building Intergenerational Connection
“I am grateful to have my father and my grandmother’s temperament, and I channel my mom. I work to be nice to self, family, neighbors near and far, and our mother earth.” –Esther Armmand (Cohort 4), The Unbroken Line of Disenfranchisement (Part 3)
“…there was a passing comment made about ‘the stories we tell ourselves.’ It was part of a larger discussion on self-awareness, and it struck me. I knew I was going to have to confront certain stories and question the truth or lies within them.” –Hannah Milliken (Cohort 31), How Self-Love Made Me Move
“Medical miracles are very much in my mind. As we get older, we all have difficulties. We’ve all gone through some things.” –Cornell Wright (Cohort 3), Heed the Herald
“Many years ago, someone recommended a book to me about finding purpose, passion and joy. Reflecting about it now, I realize I found mine — helping other people find theirs.” –Danielle Chiaraluce (Cohort 5), Neurodiverse Youth & Employment Equity
“Somehow… I forgave. I let go. Released all the hurt. Released all the bad memories. Released all the resentment. Released all the jealousy… the “what might have been ifs”… the regrets… the anger… the hate. All of those things that left scars on me, I let them go.” –Kevin Ewing (Cohort 8), The Way of Forgiveness
“Like the Monarch does, you have to find the currents that carry you, you want to be in alignment… What if I trusted the energy here? What is the energy in this space right now? What is the energy in me?” –Dr. Amanda Kemp (Cohort 16) Interview
“…whatever the reason that knocks me or Alex out on the sofa or in bed, Justin is right there next to us.” –Ann-Gela Holloway (Cohort 24), Learning About Life From My Cat
“…I realized that I hadn’t spoken my truth that first day; I had spoken my fear. It’s still a really powerful, emotional story for me. It’s sort of about self-care, and it’s about trusting enough to do something that’s not more socially constrained, and take a risk, then find reward in an honest response.” –Bill Graustein Interview
“…like the way you too / have travelled from so far away to be here, once reluctant / and now as solid…” –David Whyte, The Face in the Stone
“I credit meditation for getting me through the most challenging times of my life. It’s grounding, centering – and after all these years, I’m able to benefit from the bliss that it provides. Lately, I’d say in the past year, I discovered yoga nidra… a great way for me to clear the cache of my brain at 3:00…” –Nancy Roldán Johnson (Cohort 10) Interview
“I love hot air balloon rides! I have this thing in my family where I tell all the nieces & nephews, “If you want to go hot air balloon riding, Aunt Dottie will pay for you to take at least one hot air balloon ride.” I think it’s important in life to go ballooning.” –Dorthula “Dottie” Green (Cohort 5) Interview
“I recognized a longing for more delight in my day-to-day. How could I fill the next thirty years with as much joy as possible? What if I embraced ‘beginning’ the way I did as a child?” –Laura Berry (Cohort 4), The Joys of Beginning (Again)
“It was stunning and inspiring to see all the ways we, and the animals and ecosystems around us, can heal when given the time, space and resources to do so…” –Lara Herscovitch (Cohort 10), Singing From Italian Balconies
“This is the first time I’ve ever said this out loud – they are the north, south, east and west of me. Either direction I walk, each one is standing there in that direction.” –Erik Clemons (Cohort 8) Interview
“…so much of who I am now, today, is becoming that true essence that I was born to be. I am slowly shedding back all the conditioning.” –Marina Rodriguez (Cohort 22) Interview
“…my ideal restorative care includes being by water. I’ve always loved the sound of water running, trickling, waves lapping the sand, or crashing into rocks.” –Jezrie Marcano-Courtney (Cohort 30) Interview
“There are times I’ll go to the beach, or talk to friends, or get a massage. But there is one consistent thing that always helps me, and it’s Broadway musicals.” –Dr. Angela Frusciante (Cohort 16) Interview
Curated by The Circle’s creative director & editor, Lara Herscovitch. To reach Lara directly: or