photos by Abby Roth; map contributed
Every day, my walk to and from work takes me past the New Haven Green. Since mid-May, this means I get to see WE ARE: A Nation of Immigrants, created by photographer Joe Standart in partnership with Lucy McClure, Randi McCray, Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS), Unidad Latina en Accion (ULA), and Junta for Progressive Action.
In this time when the prejudice, cruelty, and stupidity of our president is causing so much harm around the world, it makes me proud to see the beautiful, powerful photos of immigrants and refugees now living in New Haven in this central part of the city, for all New Haveners and visitors of all backgrounds to see. The public art installation reflects the importance our city places on welcoming all and our recognition that diversity and inclusion are what gives us strength and makes us a great city and a great nation. This positive feeling is a wonderful antidote to the frustration I often have because of current events, inspiring me to think and act positively!
The installation will remain through mid-August. It consists of large-scale portraits of recent refugees and immigrants, and coincides with the 380th anniversary of the founding of New Haven. The project is self-described as: “drawing on the power of the arts to stimulate awareness, overcome indifference, and encourage people to build a respectful, multicultural society. Through murals and stories, ‘WE ARE’ highlights the inner dignity each individual possesses, transcending politics and shifting the conversation about immigrant, dreamer, refugee and citizen identities. We hope the project will engender a desire for deeper understanding and an enthusiasm for equality… we hope you will join us as we build a stronger, more inclusive city.”