photo by Darius Krause courtesy Pexels
“I was so proud of what we all had built together. I realized that the organization we built together would live long past my tenure there…” –Liz Torres (Cohort 23) Interview
Listening communicates ‘You are not alone,’ connects us human-to-human and beyond our differences, deepens the listener’s own sense of belonging, might brighten someone’s day, might change someone’s life, and can change the world. Sidewalk Talk: A Community Listening Project, Bridges post
“I am confident there’s always a possibility to make good things happen, so long as there are committed people working towards a common goal for the common good…” –Sylvester Salcedo (Cohort 23) Interview
“The acts of love and kindness in the work of individuals. That people are doing the work in their own way… I’m inspired by the courage people bring to difficult conversations – the conversations themselves, and shared vulnerability… Messiness shows up, and the messiness is ok… The need is too pressing and the stakes too high to ‘wait for the right moment.’” –Lisa Anderson (Cohort 8) Interview
“We have to work on being the people we say we are. And it is worth the hard work; when we eliminate acting on negative personal bias, our society is strengthened and enriched.”-Gloria Graves Holmes, PhD (Cohort 7), Let’s Talk About Race (Part 2) – ‘Nakedness’ and Confronting Personal Bias
“My daughter and her constant curiosity. I’m inspired by her confidence, frustrations, discoveries, and most of all, her joy. The ease in which she experiences the world reminds me of how easily we can connect with each other if we reach out.” –Annie Lin (Cohort 19) Interview
“Often what we need is right in front of us. All we have to do is notice…” –Nancy Roldán Johnson (Cohort 10), How Letting Go Was My Secret to Success
“…being a part of something that’s greater than myself. Aiding someone who society has forgotten and abandoned… They need people who love, support, and care for them, who are willing to invest time and energy into helping them tap into their potential.” –Tyree Dickey (Cohort 8) Interview
“…when people – especially young people – are creative and active in creating community… the fact that they keep finding ways to do this despite all the obstacles…” –Deborah Fischer Teason (Cohort 21) Interview
“…showing up as more of yourself, and really leaning into your authenticity, and bringing that to the work that you do… it gives permission to other people to do the same.” –Elaine Welteroth, More Than Enough: Claiming Space For Who You Are (No Matter What They Say) Bridges post
“…pop-up rules carry special force. They allow us to gather across difference, to connect, to make meaning together without having to be the same. These types of gatherings can, at their best, allow us to be among others, to be seen for who we are. And, to see…” –FOMO, FOBO and Transformative Gatherings with Priya Parker, Recharge post
“…the size and energy of the political action and engagement that has come together in the last couple years… That Parkland book I just mentioned – those students inspire me. They looked at an issue that I had grown completely resigned and despondent about and said, ‘f*** that, we don’t accept this.’” –Andy Friedland (Cohort 23) Interview
“…I train so I can fall. I train so I can get back up. I train so I can befriend rather than unfriend. I train so I can reach across divides that seem vast. I train so that there is no ‘us’ and ‘them.’ And I train to heal the enemy from within before it creates more suffering.” –Susan Nappi (Cohort 22), The Way of the Warrior
“I learned that afternoon that I lifted the weight myself – I threw the pebble – and freed the little girl who had been defined in so many ways by her past. And in doing so, I also lost some of my fear of truly being seen…” –Julie Anderson (Cohort 24), The Power of Story
“…that there is something that I can do that can impact and change somebody’s life. I’m grateful to be in a position to provide safe, affordable housing in New Haven communities that are sometimes dismissed… I appreciate and understand what it means to a family to be able to comfortably afford home ownership and how it impacts the overall progression of children. And, I understand the economic development homeownership brings to a community.” –Michael Haynes (Cohort 14) Interview
“It’s all about the leadership – athletes shift from underperforming to overachieving, just by moving to a different team…” –Veronica “Roni” Holcomb (Cohort 26), Cranky About Leadership in America
“Things don’t have the be the way they are. In much of the world, we manage to take care of people pretty reasonably well. This is the wealthiest nation in human history, we can do it here too.” –Colleen Shaddox (Cohort 1), Poverty Is Our National Policy: Introducing Broke
“People who are blind do not judge those around them in the ways the rest of us do. People who are blind do not see skin color, for example. All they know is what they learn from what others say and do. It’s such a non-judgmental way to live, I wish we could all be like that.” –Anne Fortunato (Cohort 5), Seeing Those Who Can’t See
“To witness someone’s realization that they have something to say, think about their existence in the world, or what they do – is very powerful and inspiring… following your heart, looking for answers in undiscovered places, and daring to go to places internally that you didn’t even know existed…” –Genese Clark (Cohort 13), Following Your Heartstring
“They are entering into complicated, turbulent waters without fear, and with a level of courage that I have not seen in my lifetime. They motivate me, they invigorate me to stay in the fight. They give me hope.” –Maysa Akbar, PhD, ABPP (Cohort 14) Interview
“…these mini-opportunities for people to tell, and more importantly for people to hear, others’ stories… It’s powerful, it’s how we’re going to change the world, save the world. Save each other.” –Kevin ‘RevKev’ Ewing (Cohort 8) Interview
“To my core, I believe in the ability of the arts to help us heal on an individual and societal level. I see this work as deeply transformational and even world-healing as what is healed in the individual can’t help but ripple out and be healed in the collective. Self love is the medicine we all need.” –Rachel Liu (Cohort 22), Bloodroot Sessions: The alchemy of self love
“We are in a dynamic story field, a field of dreaming. Move as if all things are possible.” –Joy Harjo, Poet Laureate of the U.S., Bridges post
Curated by The Circle’s Creative Director & Editor, Lara Herscovitch (Cohort 10). To reach Lara directly: or