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Reflections from throughout the year on what – and who – keeps us going:
“…it was that learned discipline of exploring the stress, distress, and meaning in the interactions I had, plus a degree in counseling psychology, which guided and supported me when I began actively hearing voices…” –Claire Bien (Cohort 6), Resilience, Recovery, and Hope
“There has to be a change in our policies and practices. But it’s not just that; both have to be carried out through loving hearts. If our hearts care for the good of humanity together – instead of my people, your people, those people – our policies and practices would produce better outcomes for all of us.” –David Burden (Cohort 29), Forgiveness: The Personal & The Policy (Part 2)
“I believe that we all, at our core, want to love and be loved and that we all care deeply for ourselves, for our loved ones, for those with whom we connect readily, for those from whom we are different, for those we will never meet, as well as for our communities and planet.” –Julie Greenwood (Cohort 9) Interview
“I realized that escape is my go-to coping strategy; action of any kind seems safer than sitting in and feeling pain. The tragedy of Tommy’s illness and passing forced an unexpected and unwelcome glimpse into the core of my being. I view it now as a gift from him, to finally see what has plagued me for years.” –Alice Forrester (Cohort 4), On Grief and Family and Feeling
“What’s inspiring today is seeing just how far things have come in the last three years in social justice. ‘Far’ is not far enough. But, it brings me hope and is inspiring, watching movements of people and movements of purpose really be powerful and change, seeing some movement with police brutality and the things that have been in the forefront for as long as I can remember in my life and many lives before me.” –Miriam Johnson (Cohort 29) Interview
“Over the years, I have seen first-hand that education not only positively impacts the student, it also positively impacts the community. I hope we will each find unique ways to encourage the youth in our communities to pursue this impactful journey.” –Goldie Adele (Cohort 28), Holding Space Through Education
“What I would like to say to people is that you don’t have to be afraid of these stages, that it’s an opportunity for cleansing, it’s an opportunity to really make a contribution. And not a contribution in comparison to other people, but in comparison to yourself.” –Maria Mojica (Cohort 3), A Mindful Life While Aging
“…exploring the nuances and boundless possibilities of forgotten relationships, the inter- and intra-continental syncretistic experiences that await re-discovery and the ‘expressed awareness’ of our shared humanity through the arts.” –Sylvester Salcedo (Cohort 23), La Consapevolezza: An Invitation
“Liberation is tied to our social well-being as a collective. We cannot fix this world until we come home within, to ourselves, to the land, to all of life, including each other… Liberated self does not need to commodify and destroy the earth to make money.” –Caprice Taylor Mendez (Cohort 14), The Dark Night of the Soul & Liberation
“We always say that our young people are the future; I believe they are the present. They have the skills, and if we give them the opportunity, they are able to make change. They are the ones that are able to bring in other young people as well. They can pull the parents in. And with that, you can bring about whole change…” –Gamaliel Gammy Moses (Cohort 16) Interview
“These challenges are a reminder of the individual and collective work we have to do daily. They are policy choices — and we can choose more wisely, like the pro-democracy and anti-gerrymandering initiative, All On The Line…” –Esther Armand (Cohort 4), The Unbroken Line of Disenfranchisement (Part 1)
“To me, joy is a form of resistance. If I can create an unapologetically joyous workplace, a joyous entrepreneurial ecosystem then I’m building hope for other people.” –Onyeka Obiocha (Cohort 21) Interview
“…I learned that I do not have to know all the answers and do all the work alone; there were many others who also played a part in his healing.” –Laura Noe (Cohort 31), The Power of Community and Collective Care (Part 1)
“I am walking the talk of deep appreciation and gratitude daily, regardless of external circumstances. In my living and decision-making, I am practicing being led by Source and not situations. I have time to wander and enjoy and let go of attachments that do not serve a healthy purpose.” –Deloris Vaughn (Cohort 11), Tending Mind, Spirit, and Fire
“‘It’s like Groundhog Day,’ she would say. ‘You’ll get another chance to try again tomorrow.’ Typically, this was her favorite parenting advice, but I’m glad it was also the way she taught me about being a better friend, both to her and to myself.” –JoAnne Wilcox (Cohort 18), Living the Life Ahead of Us
“My struggles and suffering have wizened me and I have connected my trauma with purpose. I am a warrior with a heart for the underdog. I am also aware of the privilege that comes with being white, and this is how I leverage that privilege.” –Laura Noe (Cohort 31), The Power of Community and Collective Care (Part 2)
“…where I find hope is not necessarily in whatever outcome resulted; it’s in people believing that they have power and persisting in their fight. Where I find hope is that people still have that power. That they can continue to do that. It’s incredibly difficult, but people still do, and people persist.” –Erwin Li (Cohort 28) Interview
“Being on the receiving end of shaming for learning differences has shaped the work I’ve done and am doing; it has made me a stronger advocate for others. It goes back to that saying, you’ve got to take care of you before you can take care of others.” –Elisabeth Teller (Cohort 23), Special Needs – My Story and Passion
“What if I were still exploring new wooded trails in the middle of the day in the middle of the week in the middle of my sadness? What would I have found?” –Genevive Walker (Cohort 11), What If We Were Still
Curated by The Circle’s creative director & editor, Lara Herscovitch. To reach Lara directly: or